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The Spirit of Edurupt

Our Mission

Develop high quality digital hybrid courses (Digital Content & Online Instructor-led) and deliver them through digital channels to cohorts in an engaging manner.

Our Vision

To make high-quality skill based education affordable & engaging.


Education systems for the digital age are still nascent

Most of the world’s education systems are developed for the industrial era and are not for the digital age. The education system of the future must include creative learning, flexibility, delivery over mobile devices and appeal to the behavioral patterns of Generations Z & Alpha.


The future of education is hybrid

We believe that a fully digital course can help only a subset of people who are self motivated. The human need for interaction with peers and educators still exists. However a fully classroom based templated learning model is not scalable to provide quality education to large populations. A hybrid model combining digital content and instructor led sessions is the optimum solution.


To build a progressive society, teachers must be fairly compensated

We believe that teachers play an integral role in building the society of the future and therefore should be fairly compensated. The compensation for teachers should be such that passionate educators are not dissuaded in pursuing the teaching profession. However, we also believe that maximizing wealth should not be the core motto of educators or educational institutions.